The meetings with the students, who seemed to be potentially lost boys (they appeared to be further down the road in trouble than others) were focussed on one of the fundamental tenets of Restorative Justice - taking responsibility. The discussions took time as this principle is one not quickly embraced in Jamaican culture. More often than not there are strident declarations of why responsibility lies somewhere else.
The School Suspension Intervention Programme is based on Restorative Justice principles and uses circles extensively but despite the apparent commitment, funding from the government is not forthcoming. Hence the writing of another proposal in search of funding to continue and extend the programme across the island.
The weeks seem to be rushing by at breakneck speed and I am finding my involvement in the busy-ness of day to day activity is reducing my time for reflection. However I am safeguarding one precious time of the day, my walk home from work, most of which I do alone. It is about 6 kms from the office to my apartment past the largest, and I think oldest, army camp on the island, past the library that has provided me with wonderful Jamaican fiction to read, past the Edna Manley Arts Campus of the University of the West Indies at which there are always half a dozen young men lounging under a tree with guitars close at hand, past the banking towers owned by one of the most financially successful sons of Jamaica and a name familiar in Toronto, Michael Lee Chin. At about the halfway point I reach my first stop - the swimming pool at the Jamaica Pegasus. The pool, set in lovely gardens, is almost invariably empty. The hotel was kind enough to give the CUSO-VSO volunteers a complimentary pool pass for the year of which I am taking full advantage. I take a break in the walk and swim for a little while as the sun i
s setting. Then, relaxed and refreshed I finish the walk home. This is an absolutely glorious time of the day in the city. The heat and humidity of the day has dissipated and there is often a pleasant breeze. The walls and pavements hold the heat from the height of the sun and a warm glow emanates from them. The light changes from brilliant and uncompromising to soft and muted and the night flowering blossoms start issuing their heavenly scent. There is little as beautiful as sunset in a verdant tropical climate.
Tomorrow my week will start with the DRF Management Tour of the service points - a 6 am start which will include 10 hours of driving, breakfast of saltfish and akee and stops at five different service points across the west. It will be good to be on the road again!
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