Returning to Jamaica meant saying a sad goodbye to Haley in Toronto, who will be working/schooling ( through the summer so visiting here may not be a possibility, and hello to Tasha in Kingston. Tasha is visiting until early May for her school break as this is home whilst I am here. Visitors bring a renewed awareness of the unique qualities and struggles in this country. The warmth and friendliness of banter with everyone counterpointed with the daily murder count on the front page of the newspaper (500 in 112 days).
It was exciting to be back in the hot, humid tropical air, the noise, the bustle and to find water in the taps! The weekend had provided heavy and sustained rainfall which has helped the water situation immensely. I headed to work first thing Thursday morning and felt a tremendous sense of satisfaction at being back. The sense of being part of this city was enhanced by meeting students on the street greeting me with a warm "Good Morning Miss Jacquie" and the fruit vendor from whom I purchase fresh oranges and bananas for breakfast each day, who asked what I had been doing in the last couple of weeks. The team gave me a very warm welcome and within moments the rythm of the work here returned. The urgency about how to sustain the programme is increasing but I hope the next few weeks will allow some focussed attention on finding some creative responses.
The weekend has brought another wonderful few days in Montego Bay. Life really is full of variation here, except in the weather which is perfect almost all the time!
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