On Tuesday we were asked not to go into work. The concern was that there would be massive civil unrest as a result of trying to arrest Mr Coke. This has not materialised, though the level of armed troops and police in and around the city is significantly increased, the community for which Mr Coke is the don (and Mr Golding the MP) has barracaded itself to keep the police and defence force out and prohibit the authorities from effecting the arrest warrant, and people are generally limiting their movement around the city. The threat does not feel extreme but the fear is palpable. There is a pervasive sense of uncertainty and most who move around the city keep in close touch with loved ones and friends to confirm all is well.
Both CUSO-VSO and friends are reassuringly checking in with me to ensure I am fine and know how to manage and life goes on remarkably normally despite the fear and uncertainty. It is easy to be cavalier as one gets on with things but the updates from the youth peace facilitators and the students remind me that others are living a reality that is much more difficult than mine and the situation is unpredictable.
However it is now the weekend, and a long weekend and as is typical of the paradox of this city it feels relaxed and benign from my apartment. The city is quieter as many people have "gone to country" to celebrate Lab
our Day with as little labour as possible. Saturday brought hours of torrential rain and thunderstorms. The rain came down in vertical sheets and provided a quite different impediment to getting around the city! This morning the sun is shining again, though the sky is far from cloudless I think we will venture off to the beach as planned, with a picnic packed in the cooler and a relaxing day ahead. We have rented a car and I will carefully peruse the before I leave to avoid another "circuitous route"!

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